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Custom Inboxes

How to build Custom Inboxes to filter incoming feedback and route it to the right people

Marina Salmon avatar
Written by Marina Salmon
Updated over a week ago

If you use Harvestr as a team, you might want to ensure that each person sees the feedback they are interested in because it relates to their specific product scope. You might also want to monitor uncategorized feedback or feedback that comes from specific sources and teams.

That's why we created Custom Inboxes: a way to filter incoming feedback based on specific criteria and quickly access it from the Inbox sidebar when needed.


To create a Custom Inbox, you need:

  • a subscription to our Elite plan

  • an Editor account

What is a Custom Inbox

A Custom Inbox is a set of filters that can be saved to quickly access feedback that meets those filters when you need it. It's like a view that displays feedback based on certain criteria, easily accessible from your Inbox sidebar.

A Custom Inbox is not a folder. Feedback is only displayed in a Custom Inbox because it meets specific criteria.

Feedback can show up in multiple Custom Inboxes.

When feedback shows up in a Custom Inbox, it also shows up in the main Inbox.

When to use a Custom Inbox

Custom Inboxes will help you quickly access feedback based on specific criteria. Here are a few relevant use cases inspired by our customers:

  • Route incoming feedback to the right team/person

  • View uncategorized feedback

  • Isolate input from a specific source (Sales, Support, etc.)

  • Filter feedback related to a particular topic

How to create a Custom Inbox

To create a Custom Inbox, click Manage Custom inboxes from your Inbox sidebar and then Create Custom Inbox.

Give your Custom Inbox a name and add the filters you need.

Here are all the filters available and how they work:

  • "In" -> specify which folder(s) you want to search in (Inbox, Archived, Bin)

  • "From" ->search for feedback from a specific user

  • "Company" -> search for feedback from a particular company

  • "Assignee" -> search for feedback that was assigned to a specific teammate

  • "Via" -> search feedback submitted by a specific person

  • "Title" -> search messages with specific keywords in their titles

  • "Content" -> search messages with specific keywords in their content

  • "Sources" -> search messages that came from a specific source (mail, Zendesk, Intercom, Slack, etc.)

  • "Feedback" -> search for feedback messages that have been linked to a discovery or that still need to be categorized

  • "Suggestions" -> search for feedback messages that contain AI-powered suggestions

  • "Labels" -> search for feedback with specific labels ("Contains" / "Does not contain") or with labels that contain specific keywords ("Includes") or without a label ("Empty")

  • "Date" -> search messages received within a specific time frame

Each filter is added with an "AND" logic, except for the Content and Labels filters, which can also be added with an "OR" logic.

When you are happy with the result, save your Custom Inbox. It will be added to your sidebar and visible to your teammates as well.

Create as many Custom Inboxes as you wish to organize and split incoming feedback.

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