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Roadmap themes

How to customize the styling of your public roadmap views to make them look like your brand

Valentin Huang avatar
Written by Valentin Huang
Updated over 7 months ago

To engage your customers around your roadmap, you can make it look and feel like you wish by creating custom styling themes for your public roadmap views.

Roadmap themes can only be used and seen on public roadmap views. To see the result of a theme applied to a roadmap view, you'll have to open this view in private mode to see it as your customers will.

What is a roadmap styling theme?

A roadmap styling theme is a set of visual attributes (logo, colors, fonts, etc.) that will be applied to one or several public roadmap views and will be visible when sharing this roadmap via a public link.

How to create a styling theme?

To create a styling theme, go to the dedicated settings in the roadmap section and click the "Create new them" button.

This will open a page with a sample roadmap on the left and the theme configuration panel on the right of your screen. Every change you make to the theme will automatically be reflected on the sample roadmap.

You can start by giving your theme a name and, optionally, a description.

Base template

Then, you will have to choose one of our four base templates that will give your theme a default visual structure:

  • Select the "Light/flat" template if you plan to have a light background and no color for your project cards

  • Select the "Light/colored" template if you plan to have a light background with colored project cards

  • Select the "Dark/flat" template if you plan to have a dark background and no color for your project cards

  • Select the "Dark/colored" template if you plan to have a dark background with colored project cards

All these templates come with some default properties (contrasts, etc.), which are not visible and editable from the interface. We set those properties for you to ensure that your themes look great.

Apart from those properties, you can configure everything described below.

Branding and banner

In this section, you can configure how the top banner of your roadmap will look like.


The favicon is the icon displayed in the tab header when your roadmap view is opened in a browser.


The logo will be displayed in the top-left corner of your roadmap view. You can also add a hyperlink that will be opened when someone clicks on the logo.


You can choose a background color for your banner.

Pro tip: add two background colors to build gradients!


In this section, you can configure how everything below the banner will look like:

  • Theme color (only available with the Light/Colore and Dark/Colored templates): the background color of your project cards

  • Font family (global): the font that will be applied to all the text visible on your roadmap, like titles, descriptions, captions, etc.

  • Primary font (global): the font color that will be applied to the titles of your roadmap, groups, sub-groups, and project cards

  • Secondary font (global): the font color that will be applied to your roadmap's description, groups' description, and the captions of your project cards

  • Card primary font: the font color that will be used only for the titles of your project cards and will overwrite the global primary font.

  • Card secondary font: The font color is used only for the captions of your project cards, and the global secondary font will be overwritten.

  • Background: the color of the view's background (independently from the banner's background)

  • Background image: you can also upload an image that will be displayed in the background instead of just a color

Project dialog

In this section, you can configure how your roadmap project will look when clicking on a project card to open it:

  • Content background: the color of your card's background when the card is opened

  • Footer Background: the color of your card's footer when the card is opened

Project fields

Customize colors

Here, you can overwrite the default colors assigned to the values of your project fields in the Edit fields settings panel.

For each default color inside the circles on the left, you can match a new custom color in the square based on your branding, for example.

These custom colors will only be visible in public views where you apply the related roadmap theme. Inside Harvestr, only the default colors will be visible.

Applying themes to public roadmap views

Once you have created a styling theme, you can apply it to one of your public roadmap views by opening the theme selection dropdown in the top right corner.

You can select the theme you want, which will automatically apply to the view.

Visualizing a roadmap view with its theme

To see a roadmap view with its theme applied, you have to open the roadmap view URL without being logged into Harvestr as your customers will see it.

You can do that by opening the public roadmap in private mode.

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