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Intercom integration

How to leverage Intercom's customer feedback and data in Harvestr.

Valentin Huang avatar
Written by Valentin Huang
Updated over a week ago

Intercom is a great way to interact with customers and collect product feedback. With our integration, you will make sure that valuable customer feedback from Intercom conversations always makes it to the product team. You can also synchronize customer data from Intercom in Harvestr and use it to prioritize product improvements.

How does the integration work? 


In order to set up the Harvestr-Intercom integration, you need:

  • an Intercom account that has been granted "Full access" Permissions in your Intercom Teammates settings to connect Intercom to Harvestr

  • a Harvestr editor account

How to integrate Harvestr to your company's Intercom account

1. Connect your Intercom account

To connect Intercom to Harvestr, all you need to do is to go to the integration's settings page in Harvestr and click on the "Connect your Intercom account" link.

This will pop up the intercom oauth window and you simply need to connect your intercom account. You will then see what rights you are granting us.

2. Install the Harvestr for Inbox widget in Intercom  

Once your Intercom account is connected, go to your Intercom Inbox. Click on "Customize" in the details section of your inbox and then on "Add more". You should now be able to add the Harvestr for Inbox widget to your Inbox details section and you should see the "Send conversation to Harvestr" button.

You can change the position of the widget in the details section but we recommend to make it visible for your Intercom agents, in order to maximize the volume of customer feedback that is sent to Harvestr.

Sending Intercom conversations to Harvestr

Sending a conversation to the Harvestr inbox

When a support rep gets a message in Intercom from a customer which is interesting for the product team, like a feature request, all he needs to do is to click on the "Send to Harvestr" button to push the whole conversation to Harvestr for the product team.

Categorizing feedback from Intercom

If the feedback is related to a topic that already exists in your Harvestr account, support reps can also link the conversation to an existing discovery.

By clicking on the "Link to discovery button", they will see the list of Components and Discoveries that already exist in your Harvestr organization. They will then be able to search and select the right Discovery.

The conversation will then be sent straight to the Archived folder of your Harvestr inbox, and will be linked to the right Discovery.

Processing Intercom conversations in Harvestr

In Harvestr, you will get all these conversations in your inbox, along with all the other tools you have connected to centralize customer feedback.

For each Intercom conversation that gets sent to Harvestr, we import all the messages and users that belong to this conversation. 

You also have a button with the Intercom logo at the top of the message with the link of the conversation in Intercom. This allows you to jump quickly to the Intercom conversation if you need to get more context.

Then, thanks to our homemade selector, you can capture product insights from these Intercom conversations and link them to other insights and features you are working on in Harvestr.

Closing the loop with your support team and customers

In Harvestr, you can set notifications that will be sent to Intercom as internal notes, in order to let support agents know about the status of the feedback they sent to Harvestr. To set these notifications, go to your Intercom integration settings in Harvestr and activate the notifications you want to send to Intercom.

3 types of notifications can be sent back to Intercom:

1) When the conversation sent from Intercom is read in Harvestr

2) When the conversation sent from Intercom is linked to a Discovery in Harvestr

3) When the linked Discovery is set to specific states

For each notification, you can also choose to reopen closed conversations, if any, by selecting the "Reopen if closed" option.

With these notifications, you can easily close the loop with your support team who can then inform customers when a feature they are interested in has been released!

Synchronizing Intercom customer data in Harvestr (available from the Elite plan)

Our integration also lets you import and synchronize users and companies with their attributes from Intercom to Harvestr. In Harvestr, you will then be able to leverage this data to make product decisions that drive business impact.


Once you have connected your Intercom workspace to your Harvestr workspace by following the steps described above, all you need is a Harvestr Editor account with an Elite or Enterprise subscription.

Configure Customer Attributes to sync

To configure synchronization rules for an Intercom object, click on "Add attributes" next to its name.

For each Intercom object (User, Company), you first have to choose how you want to match Harvestr objects with Intercom objects:

  • Intercom Companies can be matched with Harvestr Companies by name (not case sensitive) or by a custom unique id (case sensitive) to prevent potential duplicate issues if you have several companies with the same name in Intercom

  • Intercom Users can be matched with Harvestr Users by email (not case sensitive) or by a custom unique id (case sensitive) if you have several Users with the same email in Intercom

About the identification by custom id:

  • if you choose to identify users or companies by a custom Intercom id, this custom id is will be imported with the user/company when feedback is sent from Intercom

  • if feedback is sent from another source where this custom id does not exist, Harvestr will automatically use the user's email or the company's name to match this feedback with the right customer in Harvestr. In this situation and if you have users with the same emails but different ids / companies with the same names but different ids in Harvestr, feedback might be associated with the wrong customer

For each Intercom object, you can then choose which attributes you want to synchronize in Harvestr.

After selecting which attributes should be imported, you can launch a manual sync by clicking on the "Sync now button".

You can also activate the auto synchronization, which will run everyday at 7am UTC.

Additional synchronization rules

Intercom customer data synchronization also offers 2 other options to help you get reliable customer data in Harvestr.

1. Make all of your Intercom users and companies searchable when assigning feedback to customers in Harvestr

When activated, you will be able to search in all your Intercom Companies and Users when assigning feedback to customers in your Harvestr inbox, from the Chrome extension and from our Slack integration. When you search for a customer, the results coming from Intercom will be displayed with the Intercom logo next to their names.

2. Automatically associate users with their companies when relationship exists in Intercom

When actived, this option will automatically associate users with companies by using Intercom as a source of truth to build those relationships. Only users who do not yet have a company in Harvestr will be associated thanks to this option.

For example:

  • you create user A in Harvestr, without associating user A to any company

  • if user A belong to company B in Intercom, then user A will also belong to company B in Harvestr

  • if company B does not already exist in Harvestr, it will be automatically created

Attributes will then be displayed on the profiles of users and companies in Harvestr.

From those profiles, you will also have a link to the synced user/company profile in Intercom.

Leveraging Intercom customer data in Harvestr to make product decisions that drive business impact

Once Intercom and Harvestr are synced, attributes can then be used to build customer attributes aggregration fields that will help you measure the business impact of your Discoveries and prioritize them appropriately.

You will be able to answer questions like:

  • how much ARR do all customers linked to a given Discovery represent for my company?

  • how many users will be impacted by a given Discovery ?

  • how many churned customers are linked to a given Discovery?

  • and many more!

Thanks to Harvestr, I can quickly turn Intercom customer feedback and data from into features that will make your customers happier and drive business impact.

If you have requests or ideas about how we could improve our Intercom integration to better fit your workflow, shoot us a message!

To centralize all your product feedback, you can also have a look at our other intergrations.

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