With Zapier, you can easily send product feedback from other apps directly into your Harvestr inbox.
Here are a few examples of what you can do with our Zapier integration :
send Slack messages as feedback messages to your Harvestr inbox
get tickets and conversations from your favourite support tool (Help Scout, Intercom, Zendesk...) to your Harvestr inbox
import product feedback from a spreadsheet to Harvestr
In order to use our Zapier integration, all you need is:
a Zapier account
a Harvestr account
an account with the app you want to sync with Harvestr and some initial product feedback in this app
How Zapier works
Zapier allows you to define a "trigger" in one of your apps that will... trigger an "action" in another app.
In other words, it helps you set up automations, called "Zaps" like : every time X happens in app A, do Y in app B.
Harvestr is integrated with Zapier on the "action" side and the action that can be triggered in Harvestr is : create a feedback message in your Harvestr inbox.
How to create a Zap between Harvestr and another app
When you have your Harvestr and Zapier accounts ready, you can either :
jump to the Harvestr page in Zapier to build your custom Zaps
or use our premade Zap templates that are suggested in the settings of the Zapier integration in your Harvestr account
Here's how each method works:
Method 1: build your own custom Zaps from scratch
A. Start from the Harvestr page in Zapier
To start building Zaps between Harvestr and other apps, you must first visit the Harvestr page in Zapier.
Scroll down the page and click on the "Make a Zap with Harvestr" button.
This will open the Zap editor, with Harvestr set as an "Action".
B. Connect the app of your choice and define a trigger
Here are a few examples that might be useful.
Google Sheets triggers:
New Spreadsheet Row
New or Updated Spreadsheet Row
Help Scout triggers:
New Conversation
Slack triggers :
New Starred Message
New Message Posted to Channel
Trello triggers:
Card Moved to List
New Card
New Label Added to Card
C. Connect your Harvestr account and set up the create message action
In the action set up, you have to match the data collected from the app used for the trigger with the relevant fields in Harvestr.
Important : some fields are compulsory, which means you have to give populate them with data coming from the app you set as a trigger OR give them a custom value of your choice. These fields are marked as (required) in Zapier. If they are left empty, you zap will not work.
The following Harvestr fields can be configured:
the source type (if you do not find the right name/type for your app, select "Note") (required)
the URL of the original message
the title of the message that will be created in Harvestr (required)
the content of the message (this is the actual feedback you will be able to categorize in Harvestr)
the name of the person who sent you feedback (required)
the email of the person who sent you feedback (required)
D. Turn your Zap on
If your Zap is correctly set up, you should receive a new message in your Harvestr inbox containing data that comes from the app you have connected in the beginning.
Method 2: use the premade templates to create you Zaps
We have built some premade Zap to help you set automations faster with Zapier.
To use the templates, go to your Zapier integration settings in Harvestr and click on "Use this Zap" when you see an integration that suits your needs.
This will automatically open the Zap editor. You will then have to go through the same Zap building process that was described previously in Method 1, except that some fields will already be filled for you!
Now that you are familiar with Zapier, you can set up all the automations you need to centralize all your customer feedback in Harvestr.
If you need more information, you can have a look at Zapier’s help center.