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Create and manage Discoveries
Valentin Huang avatar
Written by Valentin Huang
Updated over a week ago

What is a Discovery ?

Once you have centralized your product feedback, Harvestr helps you organize this information to get the most out of it.

A first good way to organize feedback is by product, feature or by topic. Components will help you do that easily.

User feedback is also a great source of insights to identify and prioritize product improvement opportunities that will be implemented into your product.

That's why we created Discoveries. Discoveries are customer problems and product opportunities you would like to explore. It can be a feature request or just an idea you would like to validate with user feedback and additional product knowledge.

Discoveries have the following attributes:

  • a title

  • a description

  • comments

  • a state

  • a component

  • an assignee

  • projects: the list of roadmap projects linked to the discovery

  • user/company segments: segments attached to the users/companies whose feedback is linked to the Discovery

  • tags to help you qualify and group Discoveries under common themes, priorities, etc.

  • prioritization fields that help you qualify and compare opportunities 

  • linked issues from Jira or other dev tools if you have set up these integrations

  • feedback that will be added by yourself from your inbox or directly in the Discovery itself

  • customers: all users and companies whose feedback was linked to this Discovery

  • activities that let you keep track of all the changes that were made

Discoveries are organized in Components, which are accessible thanks to the navigation bar on the left.

Create Discoveries

A Discovery always belongs to a Component. 

The first way to create a Discovery is to go to the Component where you want to store it, using the navigation bar on the left. Once you are in the right Component, click on the "Add Discovery" button in the Component's header on top. 

Create Discoveries from a message you receive

In a message, when you open the feedback categorization popup, you can create a new Discovery in the Component of your choice by clicking on the "+" button that will appear when you hover the Component's name.

Give your new Discovery a title, press Enter, and the feedback you have selected in the message will be linked to the Discovery.

Add feedback to a Discovery

There are two ways for you to add feedback to a Discovery :

  • from your Inbox, you can use your mouse to select part of a message and link it to a Discovery

  • you can also assign a whole message to a Discovery by clicking on the "Link to" button on the top of the message

Give Discoveries a state

As product improvement opportunities, Discoveries are elements that will evolve along your product's life cycle. Some Discoveries will be discarded and others will hopefully become actual features of your product. That's why we chose to gave them states.

In a newly created Harvestr account, 4 default states can be assigned to a Discovery:

  • "New" Discoveries have just been created or have no place in your product planning yet

  • "Not for now" Discoveries are not a priority at the moment, for example because you have not accumulated enough feedback for the topic to be a priority

  • "Doing" is for Discoveries you are currently working on

  • "Done" if for Discoveries that have become actual improvements or features implemented in your product

To help you focus on current matters, Discoveries can be easily filtered according to their states in the Component view or in your whole project's view. 

Qualify and group Discoveries with tags

Using tags in Harvestr is an easy way to add context to a Discovery or keep track of certain topics around your product. 

Tags can be added to a Discovery right below its title.

Order and prioritize Discoveries in a Component's view

In each Component, you will have a quick access to the list of Discoveries that belong to it. To help you get a clear view of the most urgent topic and define priorities, you can order Discoveries by the following criteria : name, state, component, tag user group, n, creation date, last feedback date.

After having chosen the criteria you want to order Discoveries with, you can click on the "Order by criteria_name" button to switch between ascending and descending order.

For example, you may want to identify the most important integrations requests from you customers. To get this information, you would go in your "Integrations" component and you would order discoveries by descending feedback number, in order to see the most important requests on top.


Sub-discoveries help you better organize your discovery work by mapping problems and sub-problems, or problems and potential solutions/features to solve these problems.

Adding feedback to sub-discoveries

Sub-discoveries are visible in your table and board views, and you can also link feedback to sub-discoveries from your Harvestr inbox and from relevant integrations (Chrome extension, Slack, Intercom, and Zendesk).

Prioritizing sub-discoveries

When a discovery has sub-discoveries, the following fields will be aggregated at the parent discovery level to help you better organize and prioritize customer problems:

  • feedback volume

  • user and company segments

  • customer attributes aggregation fields

Now that you know how to create and manage Discoveries, take a deeper look at how you can extract valuable feedback from incoming messages and link it to a Discovery. 

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