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Process and delete feedback

How to keep you inbox clean by processing and deleting feedback messages

Valentin Huang avatar
Written by Valentin Huang
Updated over 7 months ago

When you receive a new message in your Inbox, Harvestr allows to easily extract valuable feedback from it. Once you are done with a message, you can either mark it as processed or delete it if it is not relevant. This will also help you keep your Inbox clean and process all incoming feedback.

Processing feedback

Processing individual messages

If a message does contain valuable insights, link it to the relevant Discoveries in Harvestr. To ensure that you always keep the full context of a message once you have categorized it, Harvestr allows you to process messages by clicking on the "Mark as processed" button on the top left corner of a message.

It will move the message to the "Processed" folder in the sidebar below the folder where "New" messages arrive.

Pro tip: you can also mark messages as processed by dragging and dropping the message card into the Processed folder.

From the Processed folder, you can unarchive a message and send it back to your Inbox. You can also send an archived message to the Bin if you no longer need it.

Processing feedback in bulk

To process several messages simultaneously, select those messages by checking the box displayed in the top left corner when hovering the message card. Alternatively, select all messages by checking the box at the very top of the message list.

An action bar will appear at the bottom of your screen to let you edit those messages in bulk. You will be able to mark them all as processed at the same time and perform other bulk actions, such as adding labels, linking messages to a discovery, and deleting messages.

Deleting messages

Deleting individual messages

Some messages you receive may be irrelevant. These messages can be sent straight to the Bin with the "Delete" button.

Pro tip: you can also delete messages by dragging and dropping the message card into the Bin folder.

From the Bin, you can :

  • recover messages and send them back to your Inbox

  • delete messages forever, either individually or by flushing the whole Bin.

Deleting messages in bulk

To delete several messages at once, select those messages by checking the box displayed in the top left corner when hovering the message card. Alternatively, select all messages by checking the box at the top of the message list.

An action bar will appear at the bottom of your screen to let you edit those messages in bulk. You can delete them all at once and perform other bulk actions, such as adding labels, linking messages to a Discovery, and archiving messages.

Emptying your Bin

You can empty your Bin to delete all its messages forever by clicking on the "Empty bin" that appears when you hover over the Bin folder.

Warning: If you delete a message that contains feedback linked to a Discovery, the feedback will also be removed from the Discovery. 

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